The first walleye recipe is very simple. Take your walleye fillet, and sprinkle it with lemon pepper. Then, wrap slices of bacon around it. Next, lightly grease your baking pan and gently place the fillets gently in a row.
Bake on 350 degrees for 30 minutes and you will get a delicious tasting walleye meal.
The second recipe is called Walleye and Morel. Here are the ingredients:
- 1lb walleye
- 1/2 stick of butter
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic minced
- 2 tablespoon tarragon vinegar
- 3 tomatoes, chopped
- one handful morels, chopped
Now, increase heat under mushroom and vegetable mixture to boil the liquid down by half. Pour this sauce over the fish and your done. This is my Very favorite recipe - period. If you do not have morels, use store bought mushrooms.
Here is a recipe on stuffed walleye. Ingredients List:
- 1 walleye per person
- 8 -ounce can crab meat,shredded
- 8 ounces corn
- 2 cups mushrooms, sliced
- 1/2 loaf bread, cubed
- 2 ounces olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper.
Finally, here is a Walleye Court Bouillon recipe:
- 6 pounds walleye fillets
- 1 quart water
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 table spoon prepared mustard
- 1 small garlic clove, crushed
- 1/2 table spoon cayenne pepper
Combine all ingredients except fish and in a large, shallow baking pan. Arrange walleye on a wire rack and place in a pan at least a 1/2 inch above the liquid. Cover pan with aluminum foil. Place on a stove burner, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to simmer. cook for 30 minutes.
I do not know about you but i am going to get some walleye out of the freezer right now!
Now that you want to try these recipes I am going to show you How To Catch Walleye you will learn all you need to know how to catch these fish plus the best deals on what you need by clicking here: How to Catch Walleye
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